Hammer & Chisel


What is the Master's Hammer & Chisel?

The Master's Hammer and Chisel is the expert workout system that delivers breathtaking, body-changing results in as little as 60 days. Sagi and Autumn have teamed up and are using the collective experience and knowledge to help you get the body you've always dreamed of. They share winning strategies in the breakthrough system of resistance training to shape powerful muscle, shed body fat, and build a ripped, statue-perfect physique.

When will it be available?

Hammer & Chisel will go on sale December 1, 2015. There is also a sneak peek on Beachbody on Demand.

Target Audience:

People looking for a comprehensive resistance-training or muscle-sculpting program.
Those who like Body Beast or 21 Day Fix Extreme.
People who crave a simple, flexible nutrition plan to help them reach their unique goals.

What's included???
Base Kit:
12 Hardcore workouts on 6 DVDs
-Efficient 30-40 minute resistance-training workouts that will help you build muscle, sculpt incredible definition, and lose weight for a strong, visually stunning physique.

7 Color-coded portion-control containers
-Whether you want to lean out, sculpt and maintain what you have or build more muscle, you don't need complicated meals plans to reach your goals. With 7 color-coded, portion-control containers, this is one nutrition plan that's easy to follow.

The Master's Hammer & Chisel Program and Nutrition Guide 
-A comprehensive guide that shows you how to use your portion-control containers and nutrition plan.Also includes easy-to-make recipes and expert tips from Sagi and Autumn on how to get the most out of your workouts.

Quick-Start Guide
-Your simple 3-step blueprint for building the body you've always wanted.

60-Day Workout Calendar
-For efficient and effective training , the order of your workouts matters. With this calendar, Sagi and Autumn have you covered for the next 60 days. Also includes your Nutrition Plan, "cheat sheet" and Food Lists on the back!

Deluxe Kit
In addition to everything featured in the Base Kit, you get an 8 lb medicine ball, along with 4 advanced workouts designed around this piece of equipment. You'll also receive an extra 7 color coded containers for more convenient meal planning.

  1. Q. How does The Master’s Hammer and Chisel nutrition plan compare to Body Beast, 21 Day Fix®, and 21 Day Fix EXTREME?
    Like the nutrition plans in 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix EXTREME, The Master’s Hammer and Chisel uses the portion- control container system. However, it is tailored to meet your specific goals and the nutritional demands that a challenging body-sculpting program like The Master’s Hammer and Chisel requires.
    Q. Can you customize The Master’s Hammer and Chisel nutrition plan to meet your unique goals?
    Yes! If you want to gear your nutrition toward building more muscle (a surplus), or toward shredding fat (a deficit), you can use the Nutrition Plan Quiz to recalculate your calories to help you reach your goals.
Q. What equipment do you need for The Master's Hammer and Chisel?
  • A few dumbbells of various weights appropriate to your strength and fitness level.
  • A bench or stability ball.
  • A chin-up bar or a resistance band and a door attachment. 

Q. How do the calorie charts for The Master’s Hammer and Chisel work?
The Nutrition Plan Quiz included in the program and nutrition guide will determine your appropriate calorie chart based on your goals. Like the calorie breakdowns in 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix EXTREME, the ones in The Master’s Hammer and Chisel Program and Nutrition Guide also include the number of color-coded, portion-control containers your bracket requires each day to meet your goals.
Q. How does the 60-day calendar work?
The Master’s Hammer and Chisel program is a 60-day rotation of hardcore strength training built on the three phases of SSP Training—Stabilization, Strength, and Power. Sagi and Autumn strategically structured these workouts to train in all three phases efficiently, so following the calendar is important.
Q. How does the Beachbody PerformanceTM line fit in to the program?
Because these workouts are so demanding, we highly recommend you consider adding Beachbody Performance supplements to your regimen to help support your energy, muscle-building, and recovery.* Instructions for incorporating Beachbody Performance into your nutrition regimen are included in The Master’s Hammer and Chisel Program and Nutrition Guide.
Q. Is there a Team Beachbody exclusive if customers order The Master’s Hammer and Chisel through me?
Yes! Customers who purchase The Master’s Hammer and Chisel through you will get a FREE bonus workout—The Master’s Cardio (a $19.95 value)!
When Sagi and Autumn want tough, fat-chiseling cardio, The Master’s Cardio DVD includes their go-to moves. Short, but intense, this workout boosts aerobic capacity, power, and muscular endurance—without impacting your lean-muscle gains.
Q. Can I stream The Master’s Hammer and Chisel workouts?
Yes! If you purchase The Master’s Hammer and Chisel and become a Premium Team Beachbody Club member,
you’ll get unlimited access to Beachbody
® On Demand, where you can stream The Master’s Hammer and Chisel and hundreds of proven Beachbody workouts via any desktop, laptop, tablet, TV, or mobile device—wherever you have an internet connection. Just look for “Purchased Programs” in Beachbody On Demand to access The Master’s Hammer and Chisel. 

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