My WHY-for Beachbody Coaching!


Do you ever sit back and reminisce? It's crazy how things happen and at the time you might not quite understand, but later you see that the plan was clearly laid out. Thinking back to when we first moved to Gainesville four years ago, I remember just how lost I was feeling. I wasn't super excited about the move, mainly because I was moving away from my home and family. I know you might think, it's only an hour away but for me that seemed ions away! Living all my life in Cedar Key, I wasn't ready to pick up and move, but I knew that this was something our family needed to do. David had been driving back and forth to Gainesville for over 20 years, he was ready to be closer to work. This was only after a year I had started teaching for FLVS, another hard move but right for me at the time. Feeling lost for a while, I was determined to make the most of it. Only a few months after our move I applied for a management position with FLVS and soon began a new job. I knew that focusing my energy and time learning this new position would help me take my mind off the move. And it did, and I love my FLVS family and new job. But there still seemed to be a void, and after attending a shake and share with Becky and Aaron, I decided to sign up as a Beachbody coach. I first signed up to only get the discount so I could continue working on my health and fitness, but soon I was sharing my story with others and helping many achieve their health and fitness goals. I can't emphasize enough how this journey has helped me deal with that lost feeling, restored confidence in myself and how it's held me accountable for my own health and fitness. I've also met many new friends who are on this same journey. I am so thankful and grateful that God provides. I do hope that I will be back in Cedar Key one day but for now, I will continue to make the most of where I am taking one day at a time.

You can also check out my video of my WHY here:

If you can relate and are ready to make a change, I'd love to talk with you about the opportunity for Beachbody coaching. Please feel free to contact me.

Join ME for a Sneak Peek into Beachbody Coaching-NO strings attached! Have you been wondering what Beachbody coaching is all about? This is a great opportunity.
It's been the best decision I've made for myself and my family. It has changed my life and I'd LOVE to share this opportunity with YOU!
The Beachbody family is an awesome team of coaches, who are supportive, caring and passionate about helping others. We work together to help others reach their goal.
What is it the Sneak Peek into Coaching? A private group on Facebook, where you will get insight and information about the coaching opportunity. There are no expectations other than watching a 3-5 minute video each day and at the end of the the 5 days, you will determine whether you would be a good fit for our growing team of fitness and health coaches.
What's holding you back? I want YOU to be part of this with ME! Why not now?!?

DeAnne Watson