Body Image


Body image seems to be something that many women struggle with. I know for the past 3 years, I've really tried to focus on being healthy and fit and learning to be happy in my own skin.

Beachbody has really helped me with this by providing many programs for me to choose from. My journey first started with T25, then on to others such as P90X3, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Piyo, CIZE, Hammer and Chisel, and 22 Minute Hard Corps. I've completed all of these programs, and some of them more than once. I love that all of them provide you with a meal plan and exercise schedule, pair this with Shakeology, my complete nutrition and I'm good to go!

Well that sounds just perfect, huh? I seem to have fallen back in a slump of the negative body image. The summer has been busy with late night eating, softball weekends, and many get aways. Add this altogether and before you know 10 lbs have crept on me! This has me feeling down on myself. You know they say it's all fun and games til your jeans don't fit and I have gotten myself right in this predicament!!!
You see this photo represents how I really feel right now!!! Miserable with myself for letting this happen. I don't miss a day of exercise or my shakeology, BUT that's only a small percent of what I need, dialing in my nutrition is real KEY....and I know WHY did I let this happen. It's pretty simple, LIFE....

For the past 21 days I've really been dialing in my nutrition and getting back to the basics. I pulled out my containers and I'm ACTUALLY using them, and keeping track of my food. I already feel so much better! Did I meet my goal of losing my 10l bs? No, but I'm well on my way. I lost 4.7 lbs and 5 inches on round 1, and gained some muscle mass!!!  I'm beginning round 2 tomorrow and hope to have even better results. I'm determined to get back to my HAPPY place and feel good about myself again.

I know I'm always posting about my exercise and healthy eating, but you see even the most focused person falls off track. That's why I stay tuned into my Beachbody groups and my Beachbody team. I need the support, motivation and accountability. I don't like doing it on my own. I am strong enough to admit that, I need the extra help!