LIIFT 4 Results....Round 1


I finished up round 1 of LIIFT4 last week. So here are my #transformation photos... well I know ...not much of a transformation, but I did turn them in for my free T-shirt.
You see I did finish this 8 week program...32 workouts... and even though my results aren’t super flattering I did manage to lose about 4 inches total. My weight ended up being exactly the same! 😝🤣 which is a combination of my crazy hormones during menopause and my crazy, busy schedule which included a few extra treats.

I almost didn't post my results because my body just hasn't been responding to good nutrition or exercise. In fact, I've had more blood work, more tests, a sleep study and new HRT meds. I have a follow up appointment soon to understand what this all means. Until then I will keep moving forward because I refuse to GIVE UP!!!

I lifted heavy, I didn't miss a workout and I gave it my all! AND I know if my body was responding better I'd had better results too. I keep working on my mindset as well not to get discouraged. Sharing with all of you helps that!

I finished the program and I plan to begin again on Oct. 1. Until then I’ll do a hybrid program. I hope to really push myself in round 2. I also hope to get rid of more inches around my middle 😝 so these after photos have now become my new GOODBYE photos!

Don’t forget life happens and may derail you- but lean in because you have people cheering you on!