Phase 2 Results


CHECK out my RESULTS so far....Phase 1, Phase 2....DONE!

Thanks for all of you that have been watching my 80 Day Obsession Journey. Yesterday I officially ended Phase 2 of this program. Today I started Phase hard to believe that I only have 30 days left! 

While I've tried to share my journey, the good, the bad and ugly.... I've definitely faced a few obstacles...which include a crazy, busy schedule and menopause. BUT I REFUSE to give in. 

It's true my nutrition hasn't been 100% even thought I started out that way. I have decided to dial in my nutrition and finish these last 30 days strong! 

I'm super proud of how much stronger I've gotten, I never thought I'd look forward to a 50-60 minute workout but I do!!!

AND GUESS WHAT???? The scale didn't move at all for me during Phase 2, but guess what??? I did lose 2 more inches.

Thank goodness for progress photos or I'd be ready to throw in the towel. Since the beginning of Phase 1, I've lost 4.8 lbs and 11.75 inches. It's true what they say, photos don't LIE! 

Let me know if you have questions about this program. I'd love to share my 80 Day Obsession journey with you!