
So excited about 2014 and new goals. Getting Lean is definitely a goal of mine and I will be completing P90X3 to make it a reality. After completing T25 and Gamma and loving the results, I am motivated to continue on the fitness path. P90X3 is new so I am excited about working with a test group to record our results. I am excited about the challenge group we have using T25 and various other exercise programs. The group helps keep me accountable and motivated!

I am currently on week 2, only 77 more days to go!  Another goal I had is to create a blog, so bare with me as I figure this out. I'm hoping to post my journey with P90X3 and photos from my third goal. My third goal is to complete the 365 day photo project (taking a pic everyday!).So far I'm off to a great start, but we are only on day 2.

Happy New Year!
So I have been using P90X3 for the past 6 weeks. I am loving the results I am getting. I will have to admit that some of the exercises are out of my comfort zone. Although, I now look forward to the X3 Yoga. I am committed to finish the 90 day program. I will be starting week 7 tomorrow! I am also intrigued about the 21 day fix coming out tomorrow. The meal plan will definitely be something I'm adding to my schedule.