Programs since my last post


I love completing Beachbody programs, I have completed Les Mills Pump and it was a great weight lifting program. I definitely lost fat percentage as well as a few pounds. I could see my definition in muscles, and was super happy. My next program to try was Piyo-and I am absolutely in LOVE with this program. My body was ready for a different program. Even though it was low impact, I still got great results. The new 3 day refresh came out this summer and I've used it twice already. It's great for wanting to get back on track after summer vacations. The first round I lost 4.8 lbs and 2 inches, and the second round I lost 5.1 lbs and 2 inches. I'm not doing BodyBeast to get some more weightlifting in by building muscle and losing fat. I'm on week 3 and loving my results so far.