22 Minute Hard Corps---Week 4---Let's DO this!!!


I'm excited to be starting Week 4 of 22 Minute Hard Corps tomorrow. I've been struggling a bit with my nutrition so I sat down today and planned out my week, using many of the recipes with this plan.

I have found since doing this for 3 weeks not that I'm hungry all the time! I mean seriously, I feel like I could eat nonstop. The cardio is intense, which I love and probably means I do need to be eating more and EATING the RIGHT kind of foods. That's where I've been slipping.

I'm also using the Beachbody Performance to help with my workouts. I use Energize (which is amazing) each day before my workout and then Beachbody Recover after. It's a chocolate shake packed with 20 grams of protein.

I have also learned that I do better when I have a detailed meal plan....so I'm committing this week to stick to the plan and make sure I track. It's so important. I have been very committed to the workouts and my daily shakeology but not having my nutrition on target is hurting my results, and I know this. So hear's to having a meal plan ready, committing to be 100% for Week 4!!! Check out my plan below:

Let me know if you need help when creating your meal plan!

DeAnne Watson
Diamond Beachbody Coach

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